The sustainable procurement platform for food & beverage companies

Unify and manage your spend with suppliers across sites, brands, and categories efficiently. From reducing costs to ensuring regulatory compliance, you have everything you need in one place.

Trusted by leading food & beverage teams

Tackling procurement challenges in the food & beverage industry
Lack of insight at item or product level

Tracking price developments and comparing suppliers is challenging without detailed item or product level data, leading to missed cost-saving opportunities.

Fragmented data across plants and brands

With data scattered across multiple plants, brands, and ERP systems, it’s hard to get a clear overview of your spending and supplier information.

High pressure on margins

Low margins and tough supplier negotiations make precise data and insights critical for finding cost-saving opportunities and staying competitive.

Scattered emissions data

Data scattered across various systems makes calculating and reporting scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions hard. It complicates your efforts to comply with legislation, reduce emissions, and hit sustainability targets.

Every member gets a lucky bamboo so they can grow with us.
Every member gets a lucky bamboo so they can grow with us.
Every member gets a lucky bamboo so they can grow with us.
Every member gets a lucky bamboo so they can grow with us.

Click For A Surprise

Gain visibility into your spend and keep costs under control with Ignite

Centralize spend and supplier data, reduce costs, ensure compliance, and track emissions for total control of your work.

A single source of truth for your spend

Add, harmonize, and consolidate your spend data from multiple ERPs. Get better visibility into your purchasing activities across different plants, brands, categories, and more.

Ignite’s powerful classification system helps you align these insights with your internal hierarchy or category structure.

Screenshot of Ignite platform, showing the Ignite Matrix

Identify opportunities to cut costs and boost margins

Easily discover cost-saving opportunities across all spend using ready-made dashboards.

Get data-driven insights to consolidate your suppliers by category or department, negotiate based on price trends at an item or product level, or reduce working capital and non-contracted spend by analyzing payment terms and contracts.

Get a complete supplier overview

Find all your suppliers and essential information and work with them in one place, making them easily accessible for decision-making.

Collect certificates like Trygg Mat to ensure compliance, store relevant documents and contracts, assess social risk, and categorize suppliers based on their approval status.

Track your scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions

Calculate your emissions and comply with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), with our Greenhouse Gas Protocol-validated methodology.

Identify opportunities to reduce your biggest emissions across suppliers, categories, and projects, and compare your progress year-over-year.

See how Ignite helps companies achieve their goals

"One of Ignite's genius features is that we can link contracts to live data from our accounting systems.

This helps with loyalty follow-up, which enhances our attractiveness as a collaboration partner for our suppliers, while ensuring that we increasingly adhere to the agreements that are best for our organization.”

Kyrre Hansen
Former Financial Director,

“Ignite stops the drudgery of maintaining and updating complex data sets. It lets us focus on what we do best - discovering areas for improvement, defining strategies and making data driven decisions.

Ignite has helped us meet our compliance obligations, emission-reduction goals, and has dramatically boosted our productivity.”

Eyvind A. G. Zetterberg
Procurement Head of Analytics and Business Development,

"We’ve had a very good experience using Ignite for the Transparency Act.

What I want to highlight for us, who have many different companies in the group, is that we can have our suppliers in one portal. Many of our companies have the same suppliers, and we can send them questionnaires at the same time."

Christine Lyngsgård Larsen
Chief Procurement Officer,
Salmon Group

Kundens suksesshistorie

Låste opp et 360-graders bilde av leverandørene

Hvordan et offshore- og shippingkonsern reduserer leverandørrisiko, overholder Åpenhetsloven og øker effektiviteten med en løsning for innkjøpsanalyse og datahåndtering.

Havila er en kompleks organisasjon med tonnevis av data i forskjellige systemer og formater, og begrenset tid til å behandle dataene.

Havila lette etter en løsning som kunne hjelpe dem med å forbedre effektiviteten og administrere leverandører. Løsningen måtte kunne samle data fra flere systemer og muliggjøre helhetlig leverandørstyring på tvers av konsernet — fra å få en oversikt over innkjøpet til å måle karbonavtrykket.

Se hvordan Havila brukte Ignite til å administrere innkjøpsprosessen på en bedre måte.  

Les historien deres >

Klar for å gå vekk fra regneark og samarbeide med leverandørene deres på en ansvarligere måte?

Målet vårt er å styrke ansvarlig beslutningstakning ved å gi dere innsikten og verktøyene dere trenger for å frigjøre potensialet i verdikjeden deres.


Personvern er viktig for oss, så du har muligheten til å deaktivere visse typer lagring som kanskje ikke er nødvendig for den grunnleggende funksjonen til nettstedet. Blokkering av kategorier kan påvirke opplevelsen din på nettstedet. Mer informasjon

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Disse elementene brukes til å levere reklame som er mer relevant for deg og dine interesser.

Disse elementene lar nettstedet huske valg du gjør (for eksempel brukernavn, språk eller regionen du befinner deg i) og gi forbedrede, mer personlige funksjoner.

Disse elementene hjelper nettstedsoperatøren å forstå hvordan nettstedet fungerer, hvordan besøkende samhandler med nettstedet, og om det kan være tekniske problemer.

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