Plans and pricing

Flexible plans and transparent pricing to suit your needs.

Let's talk pricing...

We know pricing is a key factor in finding a solution that suits your business. Companies have different needs, which is why our plans and pricing model is highly flexible.

Our team is here to help you figure out which package is best for you, so you can achieve your goals and deliver ROI — fast. Simply fill in the form to the right to discuss your options.

Not quite ready to dive into the numbers? Discover our most commonly asked questions 👇


Do I need to buy all product modules together?


How does your pricing model work?


Can I test a product module before I commit to a purchase?

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You may update your communication preferences at any time. More information in our Privacy Policy.
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Hear what our customers say about us

Eyvind A. G. Zetterberg
Procurement Head of Analytics and Business Development, Veidekke

“Building a custom solution in-house would have required a significant investment in terms of both people and money.

With Ignite, we get a team counting more than 60 people continuously developing and maintaining the solution.”

Picture of Arndt Romer, head of Purchasing Controlling in SEG automotive
Arndt Romer
Head of Purchasing Controlling, SEG Automotive

“We are astonished by the speed of implementation of the solution and the support provided by the Ignite Procurement team. We now have the numbers we can trust on our fingertips to make our reporting efficient, insightful and our decision-making powerful and data driven.”


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