Transparency Act

Comply with the Transparency Act easily

Ignite helps you effectively conduct due diligence assessments of your suppliers and identify human rights risks. With Ignite, you get:

• An initial, automatic risk assessment of your suppliers.

• A system for evaluating your suppliers continuously and systemically over time.

• Data and insights to prioritize which suppliers to work more closely with.

• Support from Føyen, a law firm, to ensure you comply with the requirements.

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Ignite has helped more than 175 customers across industries comply!

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Ignite enables you to work easily and systematically with the Transparency Act

Get an overview of your suppliers. Work continuously to identify, report, and reduce potential human rights risks.

Get a complete and enriched overview of your suppliers

Once you upload your supplier data, you’ll get a complete overview of your suppliers. Your data will be automatically enriched with risk parameters, based on industry and geography.

You can also add and adapt your risk parameters if you have additional information you need to evaluate your suppliers.

Identify and prioritize suppliers with the highest risk

Using the initial risk assessment based on industry and geography, you can search, sort, and filter your suppliers.

You’ll be able to identify and prioritize which suppliers have the highest potential risk to evaluate them further.

Understand how your suppliers manage risks

You can easily dig deeper into your suppliers by sending them questionnaires to gather relevant information on how they work with human rights. Choose a questionnaire template to use on Ignite, or create your own.

Your suppliers will be sent a unique link to the questionnaire. All responses are stored securely on Ignite.

Analyze responses in a systematic and structured way

Once your suppliers submit their questionnaire responses, you’ll uncover potential risks or actual violations of human rights.

Based on this information, you can update the suppliers’ risk parameters, determine what measures you need to take, and create a report for the Transparency Act.

Hear what our customers say about us

Picture of Harald Steneren
Harald Stenersen
Strategic Purchasing Manager, Havila

“With 1,500 suppliers and ESG criteria included in our assessments, there’s no way to identify which of our suppliers stand out without a good solution — you need a tool to collect, harmonize, and utilize this information.”

Elisabeth Gabrielsen
Innkjøpssjef, Østfold Energi AS

“With Ignite, we have all answers and data in the same system. The dashboard is clear and makes it easy for us to follow up on any potential violations — and the process has been both flexible and effective.”

Tom Erik Heggedal
CEO, Con-Form

“Using Ignite, we got an automatic risk assessment of all our suppliers and had our data gathered in one place. With a flexible system and clear, simple dashboard, we reached our goal effectively.”

Christine Lyngsgård Larsen
Chief Procurement Officer, Salmon Group

“We’ve had a very good experience using Ignite for the Transparency Act. What I want to highlight for us, who have many different companies in the group, is that we can have our suppliers in one portal. Many of our companies have the same suppliers, and we can send them questionnaires at the same time. ”

Ready to work easily with suppliers to identify and reduce risks?

Book a demo with our team.


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