CSRD: Carbon accounting

Measure your carbon emissions for CSRD

Ignite’s intuitive software helps you measure your Scope 1-3 emissions and prepare for the new EU regulation. With Ignite, you:

• Comply with CSRD reporting requirements.

• Get started with measuring your carbon emissions efficiently.

• Ensure your report is audit-ready.

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Industry leaders measure their emissions with Ignite

What’s the CSRD?

The European Commission drafted the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). It sets out ESG reporting requirements for companies in the EU.

From January 1, 2024, affected companies will be legally required to report according to European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS).

Those already subject to the NFRD will be required to create a report as early as 2025.

The CSRD requires companies to regularly publish the social and environmental risks they face and the impact their activities have on people and the environment.

What’s needed for CSRD-compliant carbon reporting?

To comply with the CSRD, you must ensure you:

1. Report emissions in metric tons of CO2-equivalents.

2. Disclose Scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas emissions accurately, as required by ESRS.

3. Have a third party audit your report to ensure it meets limited assurance standards or higher.

You might already understand your Scope 1 and 2 emissions. But collecting supply chain emissions to report on Scope 3 can be a time-consuming challenge.

To lay the foundations to get trustworthy, verifiable data that meets CSRD reporting standards, you need to get started now.

Easily navigate CSRD carbon accounting with Ignite

Tap into Ignite’s expertise in procurement and sustainability. Our software helps you measure Scope 1-3 emissions efficiently.

Collect and work with your data in one place

Start with collecting your data. With Ignite, you can import your data from multiple sources, whether it’s in Excel or your ERP system, such as Xledger and Microsoft Dynamics.

You’ll get one source of truth across your organization, where you can work with data now and in the future.

Get a baseline of your Scope 3 emissions efficiently

Using your data, our calculation methodology gets you a baseline of your Scope 3 emissions quickly.

From there, you can identify your biggest sources of emissions, add activity- and supplier- data, and create reduction initiatives.

Our methodology is externally validated to follow the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.

Add emissions to your sustainability report

The data you get on Ignite matches what’s required by the CSRD: the metrics tons of CO2-equivalents.

Just hit export and add it to your CSRD report.

Feel confident your report is audit-ready

All calculations and data can be easily traced in Ignite to the most granular level — from your input, through emission factors, to the final emissions estimate.

Simply give your auditor access to Ignite.

Hear what our customers say about us

Picture of Tom Arild Trosterud, Vice president Group Procurement at Hurtiruten
Tom Arild Trosterud
Vice President Group Procurement, Hurtigruten

"Working with Ignite has been instrumental in our ESG journey.

Ignite is easy to use, and we were able to efficiently calculate our Scope 3 emission estimates. We got valuable insights into our suppliers which helped us focus on areas we needed to work on."

Lene Aronsveen
Senior Financial Advisor, Ferd

"We chose Ignite because the platform provides us with a great overview and rich analytics capabilities, as well as having all data collected in one place - which is the best starting point for actionable analyses and covering all emission categories."

Picture of Harald Steneren
Harald Stenersen
Strategic Purchasing Manager, Havila

"Ignite gave us the capability to easily collect and analyze data from all of our suppliers (across subsidiaries) to quickly identify which ones meet our criteria. The insights provided by Ignite have been invaluable in helping us make better procurement decisions and improve our sustainability efforts."

Frequently asked questions

Common questions about measuring carbon emissions


Who does the CSRD apply to?


When does the CSRD come into effect?


How transparent is Ignite? Are there any "black boxes" I don't know about?


How do I know that your method is the correct and best one?


Can I connect Ignite with expense systems so I’m not manually inputting everything?


How can we trust the data we get from Ignite? What if we get audited?


Where can I learn more about your Data & Information policies?

Ready to take the first step towards measuring your carbon emissions for CSRD?

Book a demo with our team to get started.


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