September 27, 2023
June 26, 2024

Ignite launches its own GHG Emission report for 2022

Here's Ignite's carbon accounting report for 2022.

Mathias Backsæther
Senior Product Manager

At Ignite Procurement, we're more than just a technology company. We're a group of passionate individuals committed to making a difference in the world. We're therfore thrilled to announce the release of our GHG Emission Report for 2022!

We believe that environmental responsibility and transparency in business operations are crucial to creating a sustainable future. That’s why we have built a product that allows you to accurately measure scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions and identify ways to reduce your carbon footprint.

Our methodology has just been independently audited and verified by DNV, providing credibility to our findings and gaining trust from our stakeholders, customers, and partners.

We are super proud to publish our own GHG Emission report using our own tool and to give you a glimpse of how we can help you in Ignite. Furthermore, we have collaborated with Climeworks, a DNV-verified carbon dioxide removal solution company, to remove 5,000kg of carbon dioxide from the air for subsequent underground mineralization and storage!

We’re proud of the progress we’ve made so far, but we know there’s still more work to be done. We invite other companies and individuals to join us on this journey towards a greener, more sustainable world.

Together, we can make a positive impact on the planet and secure a better future for generations to come. Let’s ignite change and create a world we can all be proud of!

Read the full Ignite Procurement GHG Emission Report here 🔗: Ignite GHG Emissions Report

About the author
Mathias Backsæther
Senior Product Manager

Mathias is our resident sustainability advocate and emissions expert. With a passion for preserving our planet, he's responsible for crafting products that help businesses measure and reduce their emissions.

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