September 27, 2023
June 26, 2024

4 programming ninjas in t-shirts: Meet Ignite's summer interns

A warm welcome to Ignite’s summer interns! Here are their experiences working at Ignite.

Børge Langedal
Co-Founder & CRO

Hello, and welcome to the Ignite blog! We're thrilled to introduce you to our new interns.

One of our interns can solve a Rubik's cube in under a minute, making him the perfect person to help with any problems you might have with your own cube. Another intern has a relative who's an international athlete (and don't worry—we won't tell if you don't ask!). One is (not quite) a champion quizzer, so feel free to challenge him with your favorite trivia questions any time. And lastly, one absolutely hates cucumbers—so if you ever see him eating them, let him know that he could be eating something much better!

We've got some really incredible interns this summer, and we can't wait for you to get to know them better. They'll be sharing what it's like working at Ignite, their first week of internship, and some fun facts about them. Remember to say "hi" when you see them around the office – and tell them you've read all about them on the Ignite blog.

Hermann Mørkrid, Team Supplier Relationship Management

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim


How was your first week at Ignite?

I started working part-time for Ignite this spring. Overall, I would say the first week was daunting. Ignite is a big platform, and so there was a lot of stuff for me to familiarize myself with. However, it did not take long until I was able to contribute to the solution, thanks in large part to my fantastic colleagues.

In your view, what makes the team Ignite special?

Everyone I've worked with so far in Ignite has been eager to help me with anything, whether it be a complex piece of code or questions I might have about our platform. This culture of openness and support between colleagues is what makes Ignite special, in my view.

If you could describe Ignite in three words, what would they be?

Open, passionate, and fast-paced.

What’s a fun fact about you?

When I was in high school, some classmates and I won 3rd place in the Norwegian Junior Quiz Championship as team "Quizlybears." This would have been a terrific achievement were it not for the fact that only three teams were participating.

Bendik Hartvedt Haugen, Team Democratize

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim


How was your first week at Ignite?

I joined Ignite back in May and have worked part-time at the Oslo office since then! I remember everyone being really nice and helpful, which made it easy to get going quickly. The first week as an intern has been really cool as well, as working full-time gives you more continuity in your work.

In your view, what makes the team Ignite special?

The people who work at Ignite are what make it so special. I have been very impressed by how talented everyone is. The people who work here are also very social and helpful, which makes life as an intern a lot easier.

If you could describe Ignite in three words, what would they be?

Young, ambitious, and driven.

What's a fun fact about you?

My third cousin played as a goalkeeper for the South African national football team.

Sigurd Bakkerud, Team Insight

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim


How was your first week at Ignite?

I worked part-time from the Trondheim office during the spring, so it was nice to finally meet everyone physically in the office. They gave me a warm welcome and made me feel valuable from the first week.

In your view, what makes the team Ignite special?

There are so many talented people working together, which makes Ignite an exciting and special company.

If you could describe Ignite in three words, what would they be?

Talented, exciting, and fun.

What’s a fun fact about you?

I can solve a Rubik’s cube in just 45 seconds.

Erlend Heir, Team Supplier Relationship Management

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim


How was your first week at Ignite?

It was great! The introduction to the team and the company has been very good. I really like that I am thrown straight into one of the Ignite teams and that I am trusted with handling tasks of importance to the team and the company. This accelerates my learning, makes me feel like a valuable part of the team, and gives me a real impression of what everyday life is like at Ignite.

In your view, what makes the team Ignite special?

The combination of young talents and experienced people really makes Ignite both a fun and rewarding place to work. New ideas are combined with deep insights across multiple different disciplines, making ignite perfectly suited to innovate and adapt to changing customer needs.

If you could describe Ignite in three words, what would they be?

Fun, ambitious, and competent.

What’s a fun fact about you?

I absolutely hate cucumbers.

We are definitely fortunate to have a dynamic, fun troop of interns this summer. We cannot wait to see what they achieve during their time with us and to watch them soar.

See yourself working with us? Then we invite you to join us on our adventure and help us build something truly amazing. Check out our Careers page to learn more about current openings at Ignite.

About the author
Børge Langedal
Co-Founder & CRO

Børge Langedal is a co-founder and partner at Ignite and prior BCG consultant​. ​ He has led and assisted projects for clients within oil & energy, FMCG, and construction with a focus on cost reduction and enablement​.

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