September 27, 2023
June 26, 2024

Ignite and Semine join hands to deliver enhanced spend visibility

Ignite has partnered with Semine to deliver an edge over their competition. Now customers can get line-item-level details of their spend.

Børge Langedal
Co-Founder & CRO

We are happy to inform you that the Norwegian scaleup Semine has joined forces with Ignite. Semine delivers an intelligent automation platform for accounts payable that changes the finance function with AI and Machine Learning. The partnership will create fully integrated platforms that will help companies get a line-item level detail of their spend data and thereby enable a whole new dimension for procurement optimization.

"This partnership expands our offerings and gives additional value to our clients," says Inger Eek Tronerud, Partner Lead in Semine. "Our company's goal is to be the best at account payable automation, and we need strong partners who can enrich the platform with solutions that are relevant to our customers. By working with Ignite, we will be able to combine both world-class automation and rich data insight, which is unique in the market.

"We not only will be able to provide our customers a clear, robust picture of their spend but also enable them to take actionable steps towards better spend management."

Spend visibility is an important part of any company's buying process. Line-item level detail of spend data enables a precise view of spending with each supplier and for each commodity on an organizational, departmental, project, and buyer basis. This is critical for many companies looking to reduce their spending by identifying cost-saving opportunities and reducing waste in the system.

"We are proud to partner with Semine as they look to further improve the buying process for their clients. Our solutions will complement the existing offerings that they have available to clients and help them achieve even greater savings while reducing time spent on procurement tasks," said Sigbjørn Nome, Chief Executive Officer and Product Director of Ignite Procurement.

Børge Langedal, Chief Revenue Officer and co-founder of Ignite Procurement, remarked that the data Semine provides gives his company a sound foundation for its business. "Semine revolutionizes accounting by providing high-quality and robust data, which is the perfect basis for our business: transforming procurement by using spend data to generate tangible value for our customers," he said.

He further adds, "Our complementary products yield obvious synergies and create a powerful offering in the marketplace."

About Ignite Procurement

Ignite Procurement is here to help you make the decisions that will be good for the business, society, and the environment.

Our cloud solutions will help you streamline your spending across a range of strategic procurement activities. They'll also give you the visibility and insights you need to make smarter, more responsible, and more efficient procurement decisions.

Our solutions are designed to create value while they're easy to use and scale. You won't have to worry about tedious grunt work getting in your way because we'll take care of it all for you, allowing you to keep your eye on the big picture.

About Semine

SEMINE is an intelligent automation platform that changes the finance function as we know it.

We help companies automate their accounting, which saves them time and money. We also make their financial data more valuable than ever—we provide them with data-driven insights and drive the digital revolution in finance at an international level.

We do so by providing companies with intelligent automation at both the head and line level, which gives them enormous activation gains and completely new insights.

SEMINE is recognized by Gartner as a world-leading accounts payable platform.

If you'd like to learn more about how this exciting new partnership can help your organization, contact us!

About the author
Børge Langedal
Co-Founder & CRO

Børge Langedal is a co-founder and partner at Ignite and prior BCG consultant​. ​ He has led and assisted projects for clients within oil & energy, FMCG, and construction with a focus on cost reduction and enablement​.

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